Thursday, March 30, 2006

Toxic Monster

The Toxic Monster was sculpted in Fimo and the Barrel was made from a cardboard poster tube that was going spare at the Odeon. The barrel was sprayed with 2 different types of spraypaint both which reacted with each other and caused areas to crinkle and flake, the result can't be quite seen in this pic but it gave a nice effect to the barrel. The liquid in the barrel was PVA glue and Clear Polyester Varnish.

Jabba the Hutt

This Jabba the Hutt model is around 7 years old now, I sculpted it in Milliput over a core of Fimo. I would take this into work when I was at the Odeon and sculpt bits of it on the projection Box bench in between me showing films. The drool around the mouth is PVA glue and Clear polyester varnish.

Dark Star Bombs

Being a huge fan of Dark Star I decided to sneak Bomb's number 19 & 20 onto the Lemurian Freighter in Episode 5 of Hyperdrive. Photographic reference being to an absolute minimum of the actual miniature I decided the best and quickest way to get the textures for this was to take grabs from the actual DVD, as the chances of this even being seen on the screen were low I figured that would work fine. The actual miniatures made in the ealy 70's were made from a HO Scale piggyback trailer kit and parts of 1/25th scale model car kits. Look at my post Hyperdrive - Lemurian Freighter - Part 2 on Friday Feb 10th and see if you can spot these fellas !

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

HMS Camden Lock - Interior

I think I started this while making the HMS Camden Lock ship for Hyperdrive, Niel had taken some photo's on set and sent them over to me, when I visited the sets they were still in a state of construction. I did this at the time purely for the fun of it !

The Humanoid : Nurek Base - Work in progress

This is for my mate Gonz's The Humanoid website. Gonz flew out to Sweden recently where he met Richard Kiel who played Golob in The Humanoid. Look at the size of those hands in the pic ! Gonz has a promotion on his website for an Autograph offer from Richard Kiel. Check here

It's... absolutely... imperial.

Here's some further work on the Cavorite Sphere from First Men in the Moon. Added the railway buffers and now just need the top hatch, shutters and the texture work.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Ready for Launch

Towards the end of me finishing the HMS Camden Lock for BBC TV Hyperdrive I put together this pic, I replaced the BT Tower with a render of the Camden Lock and sent it off to Niel at Qurios Entertainment in a mail entitled 'Camden Lock almost ready for launch' I thought the crane already in this pic made a nice touch to what looked liked something on a laumch pad.

Industrial Planet 3

Another old scene that has been dragged out from the depths of my PC and been given a spring clean. I do like Industrial Worlds, maybe something to do with living in the Boro' . Scene put together in Max, Vue Infinite and Photoshop.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ubrikkian 9000-Z001 Landspeeder

Now here's something that you won't catch me doing often, ever since Star Wars got ruined by tinkering and awful prequels I've pretty much tried to erase the bad memories. But this is something I made a while back, it's based on the vehicle that was parked outside the cantina in Mos Eisley in Star Wars, I won't call it Episode 4 or A New Hope because that's a load of old nonsense, it's called Star Wars.

Anyway the Ubrikkian 9000-Z001 Landspeeder just sits there outside the cantina and I'm quite sure some people assume it's a kind of fat robot or something, but it's a landspeeder.

From the name we can see refrences to Stanley Kubrick, 2001:A Space Odyssey and Hal 9000. This model was made in Max 3 I think around 3 years ago, this is a new render and textures. So this is probably the only model you'll see on this Blog from the now forever tarnished Star Wars Trilogy !!! :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Derelict Structures

A pic that I made in Max, Vue Infinite and Photoshop. It's been sat unrendered on my drive for a while, thought I'd get it finished. Going for the look of a flooded environment with this, so some of the trees are in the water on the landscape.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Nanobots and Blood Cells made in Max, rendered in Vue Infinite and post work done in Photoshop.

Friday, March 17, 2006

SF Environment - Work in progress Pt 4

Some detail added to the upper level of this environment.I've spent a fair bit of time grouping handrails,pipes,conduits together for when I come to start texturing this. Still got a lot of details to be added all over this still. Thought I'd take a few days break from it though. Probably do some more over the weekend !

Zakak and Zimov's Flying Saucer

This model is based on the 'UFO' in one of the strips over on Niel's Mad Tom's Farm Blog. Zakak and Zimov were brainy enough to build a ship, but seem to lack the brains to actually control it !

Deployment Strategy - Police Transport Pt4

Added some more detail to this and done some more texture work. The details added are extra lights and the crash bar around the front and the 2 Electronic Bullhorns/Megaphones on the top of the main section. Also the markings have changed, but there's a chance they'll be changing back to NYPD. I'm just waiting to hear from Mark to finalise this.

Thursday, March 16, 2006


OK, here's the finished ship, I stole the chair from something else I'd made a while back, but otherwise it's fairly close to Gordon's original idea !! Niel's let me post Gordon's drawing here.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cavorite Sphere

Making this from one of my favourite Ray Harryhausen films. Made in 1964 First Men in the Moon is based on the book by H.G. Wells.

IMDB Link -

Spaceship - Work in progress

Looking at some of the design's over at Niel's Mad Tom's Farm Blog I decided to have a go at modelling one of Gordon's concepts. So it took an hour to model it this far this afternoon, but another hour to get this HDRI render. It's not 100% to Gordon's pic, and if I finish this later I may take some artistic licence.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Freighter - Work in progress Pt 2

Here's the start of the engine section to this Freighter model.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Federation Pursuit Ship

Another model that's been sitting on my PC, got some more modelling work to do on this and then to finish the texture work !!

Freighter - Work in progress

From the vaults of my PC comes a model I started a while back that I've decided to finish, I've already started work on the engine section. I'll be juggling this and other things I'm doing at the moment. Just thought I'd post a WIP of this for now though !

Viz Street

Here's something I started a while back, a low poly representation of some of the buildings seen in the comic Viz, like most things in cartoons and comics you can never find 2 editions were it's drawn the same. So this is more of a representation of what they look like. This was as far as I got, I was going to model a lot more of the town and put it in a game editor, oh well !!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Dean Robert's Blog

I've added a link to my mate Dean Robert's Blog, Dean has worked in animation for many years now and one of his most recent jobs was drawing Storyboards for Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

SF Environment - Work in progress Pt 3

OK I had a bit of feedback about the support posts I'd put in for holding the catwalks, it was suggested that they were cluttering the scene some what and I should maybe suspend the catwalks from cables for the extra support they may or may not need. So I've done that and I like it better. I've added some more details to this, down in the bottom alcove and up on the top catwalks. Still a fair bit to do though !

Mad Tom's Farm - Blog

My mate Niel Bushnell boss of Qurios Entertainment has set up a Blog for his project Mad Tom's Farm, you can read about the history of this project and see drawings that Niel has illustrated and coloured himself, he hasn't even gone over the lines ! Amazing stuff !

Anyway check it out in my Links !

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Curtis Jobling - Blog

I've added a link in the Links section for Curtis Jobling.I told him to get a Blog and he has, next time I'll say give me your money, house, wife and any pets you have !! Check out his work, he designed Bob the Builder you know !!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

SF Environment - Work in progress Pt 2

Here's an update of the SF Environment that I'm working on at the moment, still quite a bit to do on this before I start texturing and lighting work !

Deployment Strategy - Police Transport Pt3

OK I've gone back and re-edited this post from earlier.The Police Transport Vehicle now has Guns, and also has a mesh over the windows for protection ! I changed the ammo feed from my earlier pic which I've removed, on a suggestion I've made the feed less vunerable and built it into the ship/gun more.

Friday, March 03, 2006

SF Environment - Work in progress

Between other things I'm doing I'm currently working on this SF Environment, I've been making it on and off for about 2 weeks now, I just do a bit to take a break from other stuff I'm working on. Not sure how much bigger it will get but I'd say at the moment it's over half finished.I have around 6 Cameras set up in the scene so I can keep track of the details from most angles as I work,and the corridors behind the doors have been modelled but not detailed yet. It's around 115,000 poly's at the moment.
These clay renders have been done with Max's Skylight.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Deployment Strategy - Police Transport UPDATE

Instead of creating a new post for this I've decided to update the old post I did.Anyway done some more texture work on the front of this Vehicle,it's from the rough side of the City so it looks like it's been in the wars a bit.