I built this model from kit parts and junk around 10 years ago, the main body of the ship is the engine from the 1/24 Scale Airfix AV-8A Harrier Jump Jet. Seen as the grey part in the pic where I'm constructing the model this part is also used on the underside of the AT-AT's in The Empire Strikes Back and on the back of the Jawa's Sandcrawler in Star Wars, sorry that's the geek coming out in me, some people spot trains I spot kit parts ! :) The 2 sides pods are exactly what they look like, Ping Pong balls, now when I was a kid they used to have a visible seam around the middle, these days they're totally smooth and the seam appears to be on the inside if you hold them up to the light, this makes them better for modeling with as you don't have to cover the join. Detailing was done with styrene card and kit parts and the cockpit/eyes were done with 2 EMA Plastruct domes. Once I'd stuck the domes on I thought this had an insect feel to it so I decided 'Starbug' would be a good name, the fact I also painted this green which is the colour of Starbug in Red Dwarf was purely a coincidence. For anybody who hasn't seen Red Dwarf then a piccy of their 'Starbug', which is a great design and miniature can be seen here. http://tinyurl.com/3azwsd
The only part of the model I didn't really like after I'd finished it were the engines on the back of the ping pong balls, they came from the Airfix Saturn V Rocket kit. I had a picture of this ship published in the UK magazine Sci-Fi and Fantasy Models International in the late 90's.

For fans of the Red Dwarf 'Starbug' take a look here at David Sisson's site, a guy who does amazing scratchbuilt models of the Gerry Anderson models and other stuff. When I say miniatures he builds them at more a Studio Scale size so these aren't just things like look like Airfix kits. http://tinyurl.com/3coqep
Great ship Andrew! The cg pic looks great aswell - top stuff!
It's somehow like a Sojus-capsule that was captured and mutated by bug-aliens...
I really like that kind of mixture between realistic crisp elements and a comic-like shape.
I used to use ping-pong balls in my ship designs as well...the seems were a problem. I like the way this ship is turning out.
Looks awesome, Andrew! I haven't seen anything like it before which is kinda a rare thing, nowadays. Really cool so far!
awesome work.
fantastic paint job.
Superb design work, you are a master of all things Sci-Fi
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