Now here's something that you won't catch me doing often, ever since Star Wars got ruined by tinkering and awful prequels I've pretty much tried to erase the bad memories. But this is something I made a while back, it's based on the vehicle that was parked outside the cantina in Mos Eisley in Star Wars, I won't call it Episode 4 or A New Hope because that's a load of old nonsense, it's called Star Wars.
Anyway the Ubrikkian 9000-Z001 Landspeeder just sits there outside the cantina and I'm quite sure some people assume it's a kind of fat robot or something, but it's a landspeeder.
From the name we can see refrences to Stanley Kubrick, 2001:A Space Odyssey and Hal 9000. This model was made in Max 3 I think around 3 years ago, this is a new render and textures. So this is probably the only model you'll see on this Blog from the now forever tarnished Star Wars Trilogy !!! :)
Please tel us all what you think of the new trilogy, I don't think I've heard you discuss them before.
I thought being in the CG biz yourself you would be a big fan of the CG Enhanced Original trilogy ?
It's Simon Pegg in SPACED all over isn't it, complete with ceremonial burning of all SW merchandise...
Nay- working in the industry only makes it all the more galling I suspect for Mr G as Lucas managed to single-handedly remove any trace of narrative from the last three poop-fests in favour of said CGI.
Could just be guessing tho...
Coincidentally, and rather off topic, Andy- with regards Blog archives do they automatically archive all posts and topics? Or is this something you have to do yourself through your control panel/dashboard??
New Trilogy ?? Rumours I hear ! They'll never do prequels,Star Wars ended in 1983 !!
Jo Bling, Your Blog archives itself !!
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