I love the Starsky and Hutch colour and stripe down the side. We also added a 'Mr Fusion' from Back to the Future although I belive they renamed it 'Mrs Fission' to avoid a legal problems :) There's also a satellite dish, so you can watch TV while you drive, though that's not recommended.

The Mad Tom's Farm project has now been renamed Farmageddon and has new Blog which you can visit here http://tinyurl.com/wyvua
I'm not sure if the tank is going to be in the project anymore, if it is I think it's playing a much smaller part than originally proposed.
All pictures were rendered in Vue 5 Infinite with some Photoshop work mainly for Depth of Field.
Nice on Mr G! The tank will still feature in the show - in fact it has an episode based around it and a whole back history! (Don't mention the Corn Wars!)
Put some flippin tracks on my shiny tank Mr G!!! VRUM VRUM!!
(Looks great with the cartoony backdrop....very evil MUW HAW HAW!!!!)
I'd drive one of those!
thats some fantastic renders!!! and that model rox
Looks great, nice and very shiny!
Would love to see it animated too, has a hint of Dalek around the turret.
Lovely to see it in situ on a desktop Glazey. The Corn Wars??? Groan..... :-D
Hey Andrew, thanks for visiting my blog. Wow, ur work is fantastic. I saved some of the pics to use as wallpapers for my pc. Fantastic; I'm surely gonna spread the word around. Cheers!
Cheers for the feedback !
It was designed to have a hint of Dalek about it like tidyfiguremaker has spotted.
WOW! that's so awesome! i love it in red ~ i'm rather fond of shades of red ;)
thanks for stopping by my bloggity blog too ~ you're very sweet ;)
I've always liked tanks but never really imagined a tank to have such characterisation before. Bravo on a splendid job!
sweet tank design. I particularly like the bike horn to scare off foes
Eee, that's a cute little tank! Awesome.
It looks mint... ;)
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