Saturday, January 06, 2007


I always loved the asteroid field in The Empire Strikes Back, loved those craggy, crater covered asteroids. Plus who didn't like the old arcade game Asteroids where you could blow the crap out of the things !? :) So I thought I'd make an asteroid piccy. Rendered in Vue 5 Infinite.


Matt Turner said...

Glaze those asteroids are really really good. I know how fiddly they can be. I take it its displacement and not modelled? How did you do the displacement? Lighting is also very nice.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

There's no diplacement,the big Asteroids are 196,600 Polys with a bump map added in Vue for the rock surface. As I was rendering in Vue I just made these fairly high poly as Vue has no trouble in handling multiple objects of this poly count.

Andrew Glazebrook said...

Oh yeah,the whole scene is 4,011,880 polygons !

DELA said...

Nice composition an rendering and no displacement ?
You got my respect.

Michael Grant Clark said...

When doing the planet remains bit for the end scenes of 'The Planet' I had 24 particle emitters chucking out random asteroids. Think the asteroids numbered in their thousands so I'd hate to think of the poly count.

Wish I'd had Vue then though as your asteroids look well asteroidy.

Armin Schieb said...

Right now, I'm trying to make an convincing asteroid too... and this is quite inspiring.