A bit of an update to show some of the new detail that I've added to this section.

This is the main engine section of the starring spaceship for the SF Comedy film Gingerbreed currently being made by Jonathan Dorfman and Szymon Weglarski.
Plot summary:
In this action-packed throwback to the Cold War era, a team of astronauts and cosmonauts join forces to investigate a loss in communications from a colony on Jupiter's moon Europa. With traitors in their midst and their numbers dwindling, the crew must discover what killed the colonists before they are next.
There's still a lot more work to do on this ship, and although I won't be able to post any renders of the whole ship yet, Jon has said I can post sections and detail. Having built the 'HMS Camden Lock' for UK's SF Comedy show Hyperdrive it's weird building another main ship for another SF Comedy project,for Hyperdrive I built a British ship, for this project I'm building a Russian Ship. I can't reveal the name of this craft yet though.
Check out the Gingerbreed Blog here for some still of the Live Action shoot http://gingerbreed.blogspot.com/
also their IMDB page http://imdb.com/title/tt0375775/
You've done it again. Those are sweet!
I'm speechless.. stunning work once again! I'll be sure to follow the gingerbreed blog!
Excellent work! I can't wait to see the entire ship.
This is awesome work Andrew! Can't wait to see it finished.... Parp!...sorry! :o
AWESOME design, i love it. hope to see more, keep up the good work
Wow, it's looking good!
Really amazing work Andrew. Love the detail you put into models like this, I really love all those panels you've got on the surface of those engines.
Jean Paul,it would be unwise to 'Shoot ze Glass' in this spaceship.
Cheers for all the feedback !!!
I dig it. You make conventional spaceships look unconventional.
Awesome work
it has a certain funny quality to it.
nice work!
You really are the god of techno panelly things. Great detailing on those engines. When Kerwin designed the main ship for 'The Planet' he worked out the mass and thrust n' stuff.
Do you do stuff like that too or is it too 'Cobb?'
I tend just to build what looks right,but throw a bit off Cobb into the mix also.
Great model, I like the detailed work you have done on this.
Always impressive work! Hope your enjoying the job!
Really superior stuff Andrew. I'm amazed at your talent. Nicely done!
Outstanding ! Looking forward to the final .
Great stuff man!
I like the updates.Is this a long ship or a short ship ?
Excellent work Andrew!
I am hardly waiting to see it in textures.
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