This is the front section of another craft I've started recently for the SF production that Emmett is on with in Germany, they've had a recent set back in production as they're having to find new studio space to build their sets. This model has been put on hold for the moment while I work on the SF project for the guys over in New York.
I should be able to post some renders of the new project I'm working on later in the week,I won't be able to post pics of the whole ship but they're going to allow me to post detailed area's.
Very cool man, Love the detail. Just one question what software you using and what render??
I use Max and the render for this is just Scanline using Max's Skylight.
I just love your Sci-fi stuff Andrew.. Idon't know how you do it, but it seems that you just keep pumping out awesome models!
so complex!
Hi Andrew, how long does it take you to model something like this? Great stuff!
looks cool, reminded me of old star wars for some reason. happy 40 years on the planet
Like it a lot. What's the blue light? Is that the forward window port?
I like the look of this ship,the front glowing bit has a Star Trek feel to it.
Does the production that this will be in eventually have a name, so we can look or it? Or can you give that away? Looks sweet. Should be exciting to see it in action.
i always feel like a kid when i come here, ace work.
Andy, I think this about 4-5 hours of work.
Allen, I suppose it is some kind of forward deflector,a bit Star Trek-esque as Moonwatcher has said.
Ken, they're still talking over various titles for this production,who knows when they'll have one.
A UK dude (that's bloke to you!) :) my age who likes Sci-fi?? By Jove, I simply cannot pass up the opportunity!
Would you care to join us in getting "The Fantastic Journey" released on DVD? Details at my blog or go here: http://petitiononline.com/TFJDVD/
Jared Martin and Ike Eisenmann will be reunited this fall in England...
Pass the word! ;)
Very cool work so far :)
Has a nic authentic capsule look to it. I love how you do the panels. Nice ship.
WOw man the detail is sweet I love the pin lights in the nose...
This could be a retro Star Trek ship,stick some nacelle's on it :)
Great work once again Andrew!excellent detail.
this is SO SWEET i wanna LICK IT!!! :)
by the way, you got your wish... i just updated my BLOGGER BLOGSPOT BLOG!! :P
it's not much, but it's something.
taker easy bro...
You're like a 3d surgeon when it comes to detailing. Great model you have there. Oh and thanks for the comment also.
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