It even holds up quite well in the render I've attached although you can see some segmented edges on part of it, if you know what you're looking for and understand about CG modelling in the first place !
Anyway not having a Playstaion 2 I've not actually played the game this was in, a game for which I also created a mine level complete with depleted uranium being used for nefarious activities, and some other bits and pieces which got scattered around some of the other levels. This game is around £9.99 but from what I've heard you can probably pick it up cheaper than that...mind you the price might tell you a whole lot about the game, don't expect Half Life 2 !
I've actually played that game and although its clearly made on a shoe string budget the animation is fantastic !
A lot of it is done with a motion capture suit these days !
£7.99 from certain large supermarket type places...bargain! (ahem)
I've heard even the bargain bucket spit it out !
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